From your happiness to expenditure everything increases , but one and only thing which gets decreased ,and you should care about ,is your sleep.
According to people who studied this subject of sleep, a new parent loses 350 hours of sleep at night over her baby’s first year. How does it matter?
Well, according to some people who studied sleep, an average adult needs to sleep seven to nine hours of sleep every night. You probably knew this already .But what probably you didn’t know is , not getting proper sleep for a long time like 1 year here, can make your health suffer.
But hey it’s your baby, you can do anything that is required to take a good care of your baby. There are some fundamentals of good parenting those are beyond the scope of this post except; Take good care of yourself so that you can take good care of your baby. Keep this line in your minds, and start taking care of your sleep during these days of parenthood.
We suggest you to take naps. Short nap of 20 minutes can be refreshing. This method has been advised by the same people who have studied sleep as their major.
So next time you meet a new parent, you know what to advise him?
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